Help us fix military transition assistance programs.

Since founding Outlaws Inc., I have repeatedly heard the following sound bites:

  • “How do I do more than just thank veterans for their service?”

  • “Is there a way to give back that isn’t just donations? I never know where that money goes.”

  • “What do veterans actually want?”

  • “I wish I could do something to fix transition assistance programs. It just seems like a complete mess.”

If you have ever felt that transition assistance programs could be better, this is your opportunity to take meaningful action.

After over two years navigating the tangled web of well-meaning veteran service organizations, I can say with certainty that if you really want to help veterans, volunteer as a sponsor today.

What is the ETS-Sponsorship Program?

ETS-SP is an independent organization that connects transitioning service members to their destination communities up to 12 months before they leave the military.

It is the only service organization I have worked with that is supported by mental health research, has buy-in from the DoD, and is built on the right values and incentives. 

How does it work?

Sign up to become a sponsor, receive access to your own ETS-SP dashboard, and complete a brief virtual training session provided by the VA. No military experience required! 

Transitioning Service Members (TSMs) enroll in ETS-SP as a part of the Army’s Transition Assistance Program. If they request a sponsor, ETS-SP connects them to someone like you in their destination community.  

Work directly with your assigned TSM to form a tailored action plan and welcome them home.


In a world of reactive, fragmented services for veterans, ETS-SP gets ahead of the major transition challenges: benefits, employment, finances, housing, child care, isolation, etc.

It’s all about human connection. Through Outlaws Inc., I built a community that understands our Nation is stronger when service members succeed as veterans. Join that community and make a real difference.


Founder, CEO

Outlaws Inc.