Help us fix military transition assistance programs.
Our nation is stronger when military service leads to veteran success.
The First Three Questions (Employer edition)
Extra tax-free cash is paid to your eligible veteran employees directly from the government. This can act as a wage subsidy worth tens of thousands of dollars a year in payroll savings.
Money on the table
Over the past two years, I’ve started the GI Bill certification process for over 27 employers. To date, only 3 have completed it. The biggest obstacle for most employers is simply the amount of red tape involved.
A 1-Year Case Study
Reflections on a year working with a veteran and skilled trade employer.
The broad view
First and foremost, employers need workers with character. Veterans need a job that addresses their unique reintegration challenges: income, skill-gap, and changing identity. The current “sea of goodwill” is not linking these populations effectively. This is where we come in.
This we believe, V.1
We are rebuilding the American Dream to be just, sustainable, and inclusive.
Why don’t more veterans use the GI Bill® for employment?
It’s possible that only 1% of eligible veterans use their Post 9/11 GI Bill® for on-the-job training or apprenticeships.
Nobody Goes it Alone
I’ve noticed a disturbing trend: Many veterans believe they must succeed on their own and most don’t see themselves as worthy of success.
Reframing Veteran Suicide: Part III
“To those at the bottom of the totem pole, the implicit message is clear: “you are expendable, you have no agency to change your environment, and if you can’t hack it you are weak.”
Reframing Veteran Suicide: Part II
“For the small percentage of young veterans, like Dan, who secure a civilian job before separation, their challenges are just beginning.”
Benefits: Comparing your Post 9/11 GI Bill© Options
Now, it’s time to consider how to use your Post 9/11 GI Bill.* For the most part, this boils down to four possible pathways…
Benefits: The Post 9/11 GI Bill©
So, the Post 9/11 GI Bill is your best option based on the previous flow chart. Now what?
Benefits: GI Bill© Eligibility
Look at each of your GI Bill options as different routes to navigate the same terrain. Each route has unique requirements that need to be worked out on a case by case basis.
Thoughts on Military-Civilian Transitions Continued…
One specific outcome of the status quo is that admitting vulnerability is a professional liability.